Shaneen delivers her oral presentation in 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, Tx. Title of her talk: “Oh so sweet! Carbon nanoparticles from natural sweeteners for cancer theranostics”. Co-Authors included Santosh Misra and Sumin Kim (MatMed lab) and Prabuddha Mukherjee, Rohit Bhargava (Bhargava Lab).
Ramya Babu Joins our lab. She is a junior in BIOE with a minor in Computer Science. She will be working on simulation of next generation of cardiovascular stents from a computational perspective. Welcome Ramya.
Our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Santosh Misra- we have been informed that he is the winner of the best thesis award from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science! Way to go Santosh- we are pleased to have you with us.
Prof. Pan’s book (edited) in Nanomedicine is slated to be relased in August, 2014. Title: Nanomedicine: A Soft Matter Perspective
March 28th: Prof. Pan delivers an invited talk at the annual meeting of American Society of Nanomedicine in MD. The title of his talk was: “Ruptured Plaque with Energy-Resolved Spectral Computed Tomography and K-edge Metal Nanocolloids without Calcium Interference”