
Laboratory for Materials in Medicine Pan Research Group at Illinois
Bioengineering at Illinois Engineering for Life University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

MatMed Lab News: November 2015

As we near Thanksgiving break, the MatMed Lab has some fantastic news to share. Congratulations to our adviser Professor Dipanjan Pan and collaborator Pritesh Patel, M.D. for winning the Translational Research Award from the Michael Reese Foundation on a highly novel therapy for multiple myeloma. Learn more about the Michael Reese Foundation here. Also, Congratulations to our very own Graduate Student Fatemeh (Youkabed) Ostadhossein for being awarded the prestigious Firdawsi science scholarship!  In other news, the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment (iSEE) has asked for a photo shoot with our Collaborators from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center to be showcased on the iSEE website in accordance with our recently awarded grant! Pictures coming soon.

At this years BMES Conference many members of our lab flew to Tampa Florida to present their research. These members include Professor Dipanjan Pan, Dr. Santosh Misra (featured below), Fatemeh Ostadhossein, and Ayako Ohoka.

Recently, our postdoctoral scholar Santosh Misra and graduate student Enrique Alejandro Daza Presented their research works at the Materials Research Laboratory Biological Conference where Enrique received the First place prize for an Oral and Poster presentation!

We also want to welcome a new undergraduate researcher Kimmie Volkman who will be working with Enrique on Nano particle drug delivery. Finally, feel free to browse through more of our Instagram pictures and recent posts below!


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