MatMed Lab News: March 2014
Shaneen delivers her oral presentation in 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, Tx. Title of her talk: “Oh so sweet! Carbon nanoparticles from natural sweeteners for cancer theranostics”. Co-Authors included Santosh Misra and Sumin Kim (MatMed lab) and Prabuddha …
MatMed Lab News: February 2014
Shaneen wins the American Chemical Society (ACS) division of colloids (COLL) Travel Award to support her 247th ACS National Meeting attendance to be held from March 16th-20th, 2014 in Dallas, TX. Congratulations Shaneen!
Prof. Pan guest edits a special thematic …
MatMed Lab News: January 2014
Dr. Manas Gartia joins our lab. Manas will be dedicated some time in our lab to work on multiple projects on optical imaging and biosensors. He is jointly being supervised by Prof Pan and Prof Logan Liu. He is playing …